It's a 60-minute consultation for creative people who want to level up their storytelling, fast.

Looking for narrative expertise, with a side of empathy?
Try a Story Tune Up.

One on One

...Feeling overwhelmed before you even begin your narrative project.

...Lost in the details of your story/presentation/script.

...Under pressure as an event gets closer.

I'm guessing you're in one of these 3 situations...

Do any of these sound familiar?

This you?

You've always wanted to try storytelling, and you have a big story to tell, but you don't know where to start. You need some encouragement and solid storytelling tools.

You're an activist or nonprofit fundraiser who wants to inspire your listeners to action. You know a story will do that, but how?

You're a researcher, professor or industry leader with a high stakes presentation or keynote coming up. You need expert coaching before you get in that room.

Your podcast, doc, essay, or This American Life  fellowship app has a sticky narrative structure problem. It's technically working, but it could be so much better.

You're a memoir writer with a daunting personal project. You've got piles of notes but you need a plan and someone to help you map it out.

You're a stage storyteller and you want expert coaching before an event. You need to trim 3 minutes (or 10!) and you don't know what to cut.


A one-on-one, personalized consultation call, where we'll work together to get you further in your storytelling and solve the puzzles you can't seem to crack alone.

The Tune Up

For the past 13 years, I’ve brought my teaching chops, research background and real-world performance experience to offer a truly unique approach to story coaching.

Hi, I'm Micaela

and I'm a literal story doctor.
(If you count the PhD in narrative education.)

Do I think we should always assign scores to personal experience? Of course not. Can I help you hone your story to engage and delight a storytelling audience? Absolutely.

4. Win a StorySLAM

Telling new stories about our lives allows us to discover-- and decide!-- new things about ourselves. Storytelling on an intimate scale can be truly transformative. Think of it as collaborative journaling, with a dash of Artist's Way.

3. Use storytelling to navigate life's changes

Storytelling has the power to compel where facts & figures fall short. Storytelling for impact is my specialty.

2. Get the funding/green light/job

Sometimes it takes a new, experienced set of eyes to get you past what's blocking your way. I've worked with filmmakers, memoirists, journalists, and playwrights and watched their projects find momentum again.

1. Unstick a stalled project

I've helped my clients...

Let's do it together.

My Tune Up will help you step into your own story. From there, the sky's the limit.

Priority scheduling  & discount on future Tune Ups

1 additional feedback round by email or voice memo

Recording and notes provided after our call

Pre-call questionnaire to focus our work together

60-minute, one-on-one consultation call on Zoom

What's included in a Tune Up?

The Finer Details

USD $495

Two Tune Up Sessions

USD $275

One Tune Up Session

I book limited Tune Ups each month, so I recommend reaching out at least 2 weeks in advance of your desired timeframe. To see which dates are available, fill out an inquiry form and I'll reach out within 3 business days with a link to schedule.

Investment & Availability

What's the cost?

After taking a one-day workshop with Micaela and learning her framework and approach, I felt she could help me expand a specific emotionally high-stakes story I had been developing.
I found Micaela’s coaching approach to be very encouraging and effective. She offered great insights and feedback through her observations, questions and suggestions of things to try and ideas to play around with. She really helped me open up the story, and we were able to hone in on what the story is really about. Micaela’s warmth, humor and professionalism allowed me to trust her and be vulnerable in doing the work.
My storytelling technique has only been enhanced by working with Micaela. I recommend her highly and give her the most-starred review on any scale. Thank you, Micaela!

"Micaela’s warmth, humor and professionalism allowed me to trust her and be vulnerable."

-- SU Ciampa, Storyteller

I had the great joy of working with Micaela on a story I was developing for a live event. She helped me to brainstorm ideas around a specific theme and narrow down my options to the one that felt just right for this particular night. Her humor, warmth and support gave me the confidence to see my story develop from the seed of an idea into a fully realized 15 minute long piece. We had check-ins along the way and that helped me to stay on track. What I found incredibly valuable was her ability to give me guided feedback and questions to consider as my story found its footing. She never imposed an idea of what the story "should be," but helped me to find what it wanted to be, in my style and voice. I would work with Micaela again in a heartbeat and encourage everyone who wants to deliver a great story to do so too.

"She never imposed an idea of what the story 'should be,' but helped me to find what it wanted to be, in my voice."

-- Melle Powers, ACTRESS & Communications Trainer

Micaela Blei coached me for a presentation at a high profile national conference. Her questions and suggestions helped to clarify how I describe what I do and how I do it, and this clarity worked its way into my visual presentation slides and my prepared remarks. She helped me to discover accessible language that appealed to the widest possible audience, and as a result, people responded positively and wanted to know more about my work. I will absolutely call on Micaela and her expert coaching in the future.

"She helped me to discover accessible language that appealed to the widest possible audience."


Need me again down the line? You've got a story doctor on call. I offer additional Tune Ups at an alumni discount, and I give scheduling priority to my current clients.

Go even further


If you signed up for two sessions, you'll schedule your next one.

Second session


In the 3 weeks after our call, I'm available for additional feedback, if you want to implement some changes we discussed and send it to me.

Submit for extra feedback, if you like


So you don't have to stress about taking notes on our call, unless it helps you focus.

Receive your recording and notes


Oh, sorry, you're on mute. You're muted? Hit the mute button.

Meet me on Zoom


This is a questionnaire that allows you to share more context with me, and to get ready for our work together. I can review material up to 10 pages or 10 minutes of audio, before we meet.

Complete your prep work


I don't think this needs a ton of explanation, BUT if you need any help scheduling, just let me know.

Submit payment & schedule your call


Reach out to let me know what you’re working on and request a call. I’ll reply within 3 business days with a link to schedule our call.

Submit an inquiry form


How to book a Tune Up

The Logistics

First of all, I don’t just study storytelling in some theoretical way – I tell my own stories all the time.

And I didn't take a couple classes and decide to call myself a story coach. I designed those classes, and I’ve helped hundreds of storytellers just like you share work they feel great about.

So with years of experience as both teller and coach, I'm uniquely positioned to guide you through your sticky narrative questions. I’ve helped solve almost every kind of storytelling problem, and I’m known for doing it with care, humor and enthusiasm. 

Empathy and flexibility are the core of my practice, not an afterthought. I’m deep enough in this work that I know we don’t have to depend on a formula to get you there. I’ve opened the hood on a lot of stories: they don’t all run the same! 

And I’ve made a life’s work of exploring the nuances of storytelling and learning, in their many forms, so I can dig deep to help you identify the true blocks standing in the way of your kick-ass story. We will find what works for you.

Why work with me?

Still reading? Maybe you're wondering...

Identifying gaps in your current storytelling skills and developing strategies to bridge them

Designing a powerful storytelling angle for a presentation or pitch you've got coming up

Diagnosing the root cause of your writer’s or storyteller’s block, with a gentle and actionable plan to overcome it

Reviewing and refining the story structure of a longer  narrative project

Unraveling the true sticking points behind a too-long, too-short, or not-quite-there Moth-style story, and how to solve them

Planning your memoir project – with real next steps for getting it written

Examples of how you can use a Tune Up with me:

What can we do?

Get started

Use the button below to fill out the inquiry form and get a link to schedule your call.

Ready? Let's tell stories.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers

How do I know if I need one or two sessions with you for my project?

I want you to get what you need and nothing you don’t. If you're not sure how much time we’ll need, feel free to sign up for just one session, and we can decide together if a second session would make sense for you. You'll still get priority scheduling and the discounted price, even if you don't sign up for both sessions at once.

What should I do to prepare for our call?

My prep questionnaire will ask you for things like context on an event, aspects of a story you're finding challenging, and other reflective or assessing information that can get me up to speed on your project quickly. The questionnaire takes between 10 and 30 minutes.

Can I work with you more long-term?

I don't offer ongoing "retainer" coaching packages, but I am the on-call story doctor for several of my clients. There's no package or requirement for that; you can just sign up for tune ups as needed, even years down the line.

What types of people do you work with?

I work with creative professionals, journalists, freelance writers, activists and nonprofit leaders, academics, students and anyone who is trying to figure out their story for a stage, a page or their brother's wedding.

How should I get in touch if I have another question?

I'd love to hear from you. Reach out via my inquiry form, linked here, or email me at I'll reply within 3 business days.