Storytelling is powerful-- and it's easier than you might think. Start with a story, and there's no limit where you can go.

I tell stories &
I'll help you
tell yours.

Heard on & Trusted by

Here's one of my stories

I've got 25 years of teaching experience, 13 years coaching storytellers, and a PhD in Education from NYU— where my research was about (you guessed it) storytelling. I’ve won multiple Moth GrandSLAMS, published an Audible Original memoir, toured worldwide with my stories, and I’m the former, founding Director of Education for The Moth. So I walk the walk.

The thing is, there is no perfect way to tell a story: there’s YOUR way. I bring joy, caring and rigor to everything I work on. Let's do it together!

I help creative people tell better stories, so they can transform their work, art and lives.

Hi, I'm Micaela.

Since 2017, I’ve applied my narrative expertise (and enthusiasm) to the audio space with clients like Wondery, Panoply and Marketplace APM. If you need to make sure your project has a riveting narrative arc and just the details you need, I can help.

Since 2017, I’ve applied my narrative expertise (and enthusiasm) to the audio space with clients like Wondery, Panoply and Marketplace APM. If you need to make sure your project has a riveting narrative arc and just the details you need, I can help.

Story Editing for Audio

Podcasts & Radio

 I'll bring an expert perspective on storytelling in practice to your organization, school or group coaching program. My workshops and keynotes are invitations to reflection, full of concrete strategies, and most of all— really fun.

Storytelling for Teams

Groups & Teams

I offer targeted, 60-minute consultations to level up your story, narrative project or presentation with clarity and confidence. Let’s create something you’re proud of!

I offer targeted, 60-minute consultations to tackle your story, narrative project or presentation with clarity and confidence. Let’s create something you’re proud of!

Story Tune Ups

One on One

Level up your storytelling with expert help.

Let’s work together

As a storytelling coach, Micaela is both a sharp edge, able to cut into the heart of a story to find what makes it tick, and gentle encouragement personified. I'm not sure how she does both, but she does. I'd been walking around with this story for a long time--I needed Micaela's rare combination of skills to bring it out into the world in a form that I was proud to share.

“I'd been walking around with this story for a long time.”


Watch live stage performances of some of my favorite stories here.

The Story Letter Podcast is almost here! Stay tuned and subscribe to The Story Letter to get episodes right in your email inbox.

My debut memoir Audible Original, You Will Not Recognize Your Life, is out now! You can listen here.

I love to talk about storytelling on podcasts; you can find my guest interviews here.

Stories, Interviews and a Memoir

Listen & Watch

In Conversation

On Audible

In the Booth

On Stage

Learn about storytelling from an award-winning story nerd.

The Story Letter on Substack

Check it out

If you’ve ever stared at the screen too long and lost the thread of your story, or worried that it would sound stilted or strange, try something really simple: tell, don’t read, a version of your story. Out loud to someone. Before it’s done.

Here’s why, and how.

If you’ve ever stared at the screen too long and lost the thread of your story, or worried that it would sound stilted or strange, try something simple: tell, don’t read, a version of your story. Out loud to someone. Before it’s done. Here’s why, and how.

“Practice Out Loud”

Bad dates, lone wolves and Toll House cookies

One of the most common things I hear walking into a storytelling workshop or coaching session, is “I don’t have any stories.” And that’s almost certainly not true. But what people sometimes mean is: “I don’t have any stories that seem right for this.”

“Curing Storyteller's Block”

Skylights, Reality Bites and "the perfect story"

What exactly are we doing here? Because there are so many excellent ways and places to tell stories. Fiction, film, journalism, political messaging, history, gossip at brunch, stand-up, the “About Our Vegan Jerky” section of a website...

What exactly are we doing here? Because there are so many excellent ways and places to tell stories. Fiction, film, journalism, political messaging, history, gossip at brunch, stand-up, the “About Our Vegan Jerky” section of a website...

“What kind of storytelling are we talking about?”

Roller coasters, invasive mint and Battlestar Galactica